SL Component Review 

Part one:Identification           

An organization building a full structured literacy system will need to be able to 1) understand all components (instructional, collaborative, assessment, empowerment) truly necessary for change 2) understand where they are in implementing those components and 3) understand how to measure individual components to understand their impact on the overall system.

NOTE: This is our most complicated tool and service. Broken down in two parts, we suggest you begin with the component identifier. Please feel free to grab a free 30 minute consultation so we can help you envision how this tool can help.


  • Create a complete audit of all your literacy practices and components, including identification and measurement status.

You-do Option

Tab One: Full Component Identification

Tab Two: Instructions and Definitions. Adjust to fit your organizations principles and/or literacy framework.

Tab Three: Optional list of pending literacy initiatives for the next five years.

  • This tool and process is designed for two phases: identification and full measurement. If you are comfortably in full implementation, you may want to move to phase two as all elements in phase one are included in phase two.

  • Part One: Component Identification

    1. Download the Component Identifier.

    2. Indicate all overarching components that must all be addressed for systemic impact. Samples have been included. You may adjust these to match your organizations principles or framework.

    3. Within each Foundational Component, literacy leaders will identify a subset of unique components which will need to be put into place for systemic impact. These are aligned with SLSG sub-components but can be adjusted.

    4. Write the title of each sub-component, typically a district named initiative or purchased programs.

    5. Write the current status of the specific component. Typically, Initial Implementation is the first year, Extending Implementation in year 2 or 3 and Continuous Improvement is after wide-scale implementation with fidelity.

    6. In the Next Academic Year Column, indicate if you will identify, start, supplant, strengthen, stabilize or sustain the component.

    7. This is the year you are targeting to have a smart goal and are in the phase of sustaining implementation.

    8. Is the component budgeted?

    9. What is funding source? When does it start and end?

    10. Complete any notes you might find helpful to drive collaboration.

    11. Write “Priority” for the most important items. This will create a Priority Dashboard for key elements.

    12. State which department is on point for each initiative

  • We have We-do options for this process starting at $1500. Please contact us if we can help!

We-do Options

  • We provide a $1500 assistance model to help you complete this tool and all status fields

    • 1 hour identification meeting

    • Full documentation of current and planned components

    • One hour presentation of completed tool

    • Additional adjustments until completion

  • If you would like help organizing and planning large scale system initiatives and need assistance beyond this tool, please contact us or schedule a 30 minute consultation.