SL Component Review
Part two: Measurement
An organization building a full structured literacy system will need to be able to 1) understand all components (instructional, collaborative, assessment, empowerment) truly necessary for change 2) understand where they are in implementing those components and 3) understand how to measure individual components to understand their impact on the overall system.
NOTE: This is our most complicated tool and service. Broken down in two parts, we suggest you begin with the component identifier. Please feel free to grab a free 30 minute consultation so we can help you envision how this tool can help.
Create a complete audit of all your literacy practices and components, including identification and measurement status.
You-do Option
Tab One: Full Component Identification and Measurement
Tab Two: Instructions and Definitions. You may adjust to fit your organizations principles and/or literacy framework.
Tab Three and Four: Priority and Full Dashboards
If you skipped to the Full Component Review, you will still want to follow the instructions from Part I to identify all components and sub-components necessary for change and their current status.
Download or copy the Full Component Review.
If you completed the Component Identifier, copy all cells and paste them into tab three in Columns A-J. For instructions for filling out from scratch, please see phase one.
Identify a SMART Goal for each component. This is such a key step and if you are doing this on your own, but need a little guidance, we suggest a free 30 minute consultation to review.
In the Group-by field, identify what group the component ultimately be measured. Dropdown suggestions provided.
From the identified grouping, what is the number that will be targeted to successfully complete the component. If this is a singular items (ex. literacy framework) put one and then you can add a percent number complete in later fields.
Active Field: Of the identified grouping, how many are engaging in the component. The % Active will be calculated.
Of the identified grouping, how many are using the component to the level of set expectations. This should match your SMART goal. % with Fidelity will be calculated.
Enter a Quick Rating which indicates how the Literacy Leadership team anecdotally observes the current status of the component.
The fidelity rating is a KEY aspect of system-specific measurable metrics defined in Column D and may not be present until data is collected and analyzed. This answers the question “Is the component delivering on its unique promise within a system?”
How Measured and Notes fields provide context for the key metric for measurement of success of the component (usage, assessment, completion rates, surveys, etc)
Add any linking key documents that coordinate with sub-components.
if you would like assistance with the deep audit and review, we provide a support model for $3500. See below for details.
We-do Options
We provide a $3500 assistance model to help you complete this tool and all status fields
1 hour identification meeting.
Full documentation of current and planned components.
One hour presentation of identified components.
Additional adjustments.
Two hour meeting on measurement for all or priority components.
Review, revision and discussion until complete.
If you would like help organizing and planning large scale system initiatives and need assistance beyond this tool, please contact us or schedule a 30 minute consultation.