Surveys and Walkthroughs 

A layered and partnered process

An organization building a full structured literacy system will need to be able to understand the fidelity of implementation at an overarching level and an individual level, whether measured by school, classroom or student. In our view, this process should be a partnership between literacy leaders, instructional source and teachers. We also believe this should be a combination of sources including 1) surveys to teachers, 2) instructional source reports and 3) classroom walkthroughs or observations designed in combination with teachers.

NOTE: THIS TOOL AND PROCESS IS IN THE PILOT PHASE. Please contact us if you are interested in free support for piloting this process.


  • Create a survey and walkthrough model for one or all tiers of instruction.

You-do Option

This tool and process is in the pilot phase at this moment. We are providing free “we-do” collaboration if you are interested in being a part of the pilot phase.

You may want to review our Top 10 List of Classroom Walkthroughs to see if there are existing options for your consideration. However, we do recommend creating custom walkthroughs in partnership with teachers around your organization’s specific expectations.

We also suggest a layered approach, not putting unrealistic expectations on teachers who have yet to be empowered with the training needed or tools required to deliver full structured literacy.

If so, please fill out our Contact Us form and we’ll reach out as soon as possible!

We-do Options

  • We are in the pilot phase of this process and looking for districts to partner to build out this service.

    • 1 hour exploratory meeting

    • Overview of our philosophy of surveys and walkthroughs

    • Deep partnership where we create and deliver surveys and walkthroughs for your use and testing

    • Open brainstorming, adjustments and continued assistance until we become extraordinarily helpful

  • If you would like help organizing and planning large scale system initiatives and need assistance beyond this tool, please contact us or schedule a 30 minute consultation.