Top 10: SL/SoR Podcasts
In this Top 10 List, we suggest key podcasts that are great for pushing structured literacy practice forward and helping educators across the country understand longstanding and emerging issues. If you are new to structured literacy or the Science of Reading, we strongly recommend that you start from the beginning for each of their series. We include the original source link, but you know, podcast how you wanna podcast.
Number One: Sold a Story
If you are a podcast naysayer, then not only should you listen to this podcast, but you should read articles about how this podcast awakened a whole new generation of educators to make a push for structured literacy systems. For me, there would be little hope that by 2030 we may have hundreds of structured literacy systems without this podcast.
Number Two: Science of Reading: The Podcast
Hosted by the awesome Susan Lambert, CAO-Amplify, SOR: The Podcast contains probably the most comprehensive list of topics and experts of any structured literacy podcast. Now in Season 9, click through the bottom to find all seasons and your favorite authors or topics and then go from there!.
Number Three: EdView 360
This podcast from my old stomping grounds has so many great authors all steeped in deep structured literacy practices. Hosted by the rock star Pam Austin, many of these get into deep weeds of instructional practice and are a great resource, especially about deep instructional methods.
Number Four: Iowa Reading Research Center
This excellent podcast provides the history of the Science of Reading, as well as context of all the things that led us here today!
Number Five: Literacy Talks
Literacy Talks sponsored by Reading Horizons has a great library of content and podcasts and are now in Season 6!
Number Six: Teaching, Reading, and Learning: The Reading League Podcast
I doubt we have a list on this site that doesn’t link to The Reading League and all the wonderful things they do. The interview-based podcast has SO many great SoR/Structured Literacy pioneers and is one that you must subscribe to!
Number Seven: Glean Podcasts
Glean, a group helping structured literacy leaders help move their systems (yay!!), provides two excellent podcasts Research to Practice and Ed Leaders in Literacy and both can help leaders with tactical or overarching areas driving their system.
Number Eight: Shanahan on Literacy
We have linked to Tim’s full site because there is just so much great stuff there but you can go to the podcast section for all the latest episodes.
Number Nine: All for Literacy
Now in Season 3, this podcast from one of the leading structured literacy companies, and another former stomp of mine, has amazing researchers, authors and practitioners as well!
Number Ten: Melissa and Lori Love Literacy
This light-hearted podcast gives great insight from two Maryland teachers, has great authors and practitioners and is an easy listen with great application to the classroom.